Will My Brows Turn Red, Orange or Yellow During Laser Removal?

Are you thinking of getting your PMU (permanent make-up) eyebrows removed? After doing some research, you have probably learned that a potential side effect from laser removal is the pigment turning red, orange or yellow. 

Learn about the PMU brow removal process and why pigment will change colours

Why Does PMU Pigment Change Colours During the Laser Removal Process?

To understand why the PMU pigment changes colour, you have to know a little bit about what’s actually being used. Permanent makeup pigment typically includes a warm undertone that’s meant to keep the brows from turning blue over time. The warm colours are usually either red or yellow, or a combination of the two.

When we see dark brows we normally target the pigment with the 1064 wavelength which, on many occasions, will lift the dark pigment immediately. When the dark pigment is lifted the warm undertone is revealed. So, the pigment isn’t actually turning colours, it’s revealing the PMU pigment undertone.

Wearing Makeup After Laser PMU Removal

Makeup can be put on top of the treated area 12 hours after your appointment. Most of our clients are able to conceal the warm undertones during the removal process by using foundation makeup.

Covering brows with makeup during the PMU removal process is possible.

Is it Possible to Remove Red Pigment on All Skin Tones?

Red is a tough colour to treat compared to black. It’s possible to remove red pigment but the process is more complex. Where you sit on the Fitzpatrick Scale determines how aggressively the red pigment can be treated. The lighter your skin, the more aggressively we can treat. In most cases, people who are a Fitzpatrick 5 or 6 will have a difficult time removing warm pigment tones completely. We will go over all of the risks in your free consultation.

Will My Eyebrows Stay Red Forever?

We never guarantee 100% removal but we are confident that red, or other warm tones, can eventually be removed. However, we’ve run into certain pigments containing yellow that have been extremely stubborn. In these cases, we may recommend getting saline removal if we determine the yellow is not budging.

Laser PMU Removal at Studio Kiku

What Are the Best Options to Remove Warm Undertones in My Brows?

Each case is unique so we recommend booking a free consultation to discuss the options for laser PMU removal. We will do our best to provide accurate information, based on a number of factors, so you’re able to make an informed decision. Our number one priority is to leave your skin and hair follicles completely intact during and after the removal process.